When gifting a puppy or kitten this Christmas keep a few things in mind.
Giving a pet is a very personal decision.
Does the recipient want a new pet and are they equipped to spend adequate time and resources on the pet?
What kind of pet would they like to receive?
Will the recipient afford the veterinary bills and a good quality food?
Puppies and kittens are precious and although they require a lot of work you are sure to reap the benefits of their love. If you are purchasing from a breeder have your veterinary clinic look over the records they provide. We want to make sure your pet is adequately protected with the appropriate amount of vaccinations and free from intestinal parasites. When adopting from an animal shelter they will most likely have the first set of vaccinations and be spayed or neutered but again have your vet look over the records.
Recommended Puppy Schedule:
6 weeks ExamIntestinal Parasite Test (Fecal)
Deworming Medication
1st Distemper/Parvo/Parainfluenza/Herpes virus vaccination (DHPP)
Heartworm Prevention/Flea Prevention
8 weeks No Charge Exam
2nd Dewoming Medication
2nd DHPP vaccination
1st Bordetella vaccination
Heartworm Prevention/Flea Prevention
12 weeks No Charge Exam
3rd Dewoming Medication
3rd DHPP vaccination
2nd Bordetella vaccination
Heartworm Prevention/Flea Prevention
16 weeks No Charge Exam
4th Dhlpp vaccination (includes Lepto)
Rabies vaccination
full supply of Heartworm/Flea prevention
Don't worry if your pet is over six weeks when you start we will just make a custom schedule for them.
Recommended Kitten Schedule:
6 weeks Exam1st FVRCP vaccination
Intestinal Parasite Test (fecal)
1st Deworming Medication
Heartworm/Flea Prevention
8 weeks No Charge Exam
2nd Deworming Medication
Heartworm/Flea Prevention
12 weeks No Charge Exam
3rd Dewoming Medication
1st Leukemia vaccination
Heartworm/Flea prevention
16 weeks No Charge Exam
2nd Leukemia vaccination
Rabies vaccination
full supply Heartwom/Flea prevention
Don't worry if your pet is over six weeks when you start we will just make a custom schedule for them.
After your pet receives his/her rabies vaccination they will be old enough to be neutered or spayed.
This is also an ideal time to microchip your pet.
If you have any questions please call or email.
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